A new WordPress plugin by David Shanske
Liked Tempus Fugit Version 1.0 for WordPress Released by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)

Tempus Fugit, my latest plugin, has been released. It is a split of several time based WordPress enhancements from other projects, something I intend to continue to iterate on. The On This Day Archive pages, available at /onthisday and /onthisday/03/09 The On This Day Widget All Date Based Archives …

I’ll be there Chris. Thanks.
Replied to Getting Started with WordPress, an IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (boffosocko.com)

This will be a broad-based introduction to the IndieWeb session specifically focused on using WordPress. Our aim is to help people get set up and running a self-hosted IndieWeb-based website with WordPress though some of our discussion will work for WordPress.com versions as well.